Ahli United Bank Group (AUB)

PRB Report

Transformation for Impact

DCarbon Egypt congratulates Ahli United Bank Group (AUB) on publishing its Second PRB Report. The Report covers a holistic impact assessment on its lending and investment portfolios.  The Group is witnessing a new milestone on the governance and business levels, where the bank is now setting the course towards an impact-based approach. This move is an essential expression of AUB’s institutional commitment to aligning with rising stakeholder concerns and a testament to itsongoing dedication to value creation. This year, AUB Group extended the impact assessment to cover AUB Bahrain’s, AUB Kuwait’s and AUB Egypt’s lending and investment portfolios.

Team Members:

Ms. Yara Mourad, Sustainable Finance Manager

Ms. Amira Badr, Graphic Designer

To know more about AUB’s Second PRB report, kindly visit: https://www.ahliunited.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/AUBUNEP-FIReport2021.pdf

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