
QNB ALAHLI – certified training on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards

DCarbon & the QNB ALAHLI Bank accomplished a new milestone in the bank sustainability journey by certifying QNB ALAHLI’s Sustainability Ambassadors on GRI Sustainability Reporting.

DCarbon, as a GRI-certified training partner in Egypt, delivered to QNB ALAHLI a 2-day certified training on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards.

The objective of this GRI Training Programme was to build the capacity and skills of the bank’s Sustainability Ambassadors and support all functions in order to successfully develop QNB ALAHLI’s sustainability report in accordance with the GRI Standards.

GRI Standards are the most commonly used standards by top corporates and organizations across all industries worldwide and nationwide recommended by the Egyptian Stock Exchange.

We are pleased to support the QNB ALAHLI Bank in its roadmap towards sustainability in general and in the development of its sustainability report in particular.


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