COP News 28

COP28 Daily Briefs – Day 9


UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Urgent Plea to Keep 1.5 Degrees Target Alive
As COP28 progresses into its concluding week of negotiations, Simon Stiell, the Executive Secretary of UN Climate Change, passionately urged negotiators to uphold the goal of keeping the 1.5-degree target alive. The following is an excerpt from his statement delivered during a press conference this afternoon:

“In short, it’s go-time for governments at COP28 this week. There are low, middle, and high ambition options on many issues. If we want to save lives now, and keep 1.5 within reach, the highest ambition COP outcomes must stay front and center in these negotiations”. -Simon Stiell, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary.

We are off track for 1.5C
Laurent Fabius, former French Prime Minister and COP21’s President has stated that the world is off track for 1.5 degrees of warming, as agreed in the Paris agreement, and that he thinks we will hit between 2.8 and 3 if we don’t act now.

Strengthening the Political Momentum on Climate Finance
In the second high-level ministerial dialogue on climate finance took center stage, focusing on the improvement of climate finance provision and mobilization. The dialogue aims to strengthen the political momentum, driving negotiations on issues such as:
• Predictability and delivery of climate finance.
• Mobilization of climate finance from a wide variety of sources, instruments, and channels.
• Efforts to achieve a balance between adaptation and mitigation finance.

UAE’s $220 Million Funding Boost for African Youth Health
During COP28’s Youth Day, the UAE announced a funding of $220 M for Africa with an aim aims to improve health outcomes for youth.

Sports for Climate Action Framework: The Power of Sports for Climate Action

For the past five years, UN Climate Change has actively collaborated with sports organizations and their athletes to promote awareness of the significance of climate action. Athletes, sports organizations, and brands shared their experiences on leveraging sports as a powerful tool to generate awareness and inspire action, resonating with millions of people worldwide.

Blue Zone

Youth, Children, Education & Skills Day
The day focused on empowering youth to shape the outcome of COP28 and beyond, as it focused on promoting fair representation, enhancing engagement mechanisms, and ensuring equitable resource allocation across various COP themes and policy tracks. The day focused on different aspects such as, investments in youth-led innovation and entrepreneurship, inclusion in policymaking processes capacity-building, and transforming education to close the skills gap for green jobs aligned with climate action.

Reflecting on the day, HE Shamma Al Mazrui, Youth Climate Champion, commented: “At this COP, we have witnessed unprecedented initiatives fostering children and youth inclusion. With 110 dedicated delegates on the ground, our youth have not only made a significant impact through numerous speaking engagements and negotiations but have also effectively represented their communities. Today, and all the activity that has led to it, is focused on catalyzing transformative change that will stand as a lasting legacy for future COPs”.

Cop28 Hosts First Ever Youth Stocktake with YOUNGO to “Build a Global Legacy” on Climate Action
COP28’s flagship youth day hosted the first ever Youth Stocktake, bringing together thousands of young people from across the globe under the banner of climate action.

COP28 President Dr. Sultan Al Jaber said: “This COP is working to build a global legacy and a better future for youth and children. This is a turnaround COP that will ensure full inclusivity is at the heart of the climate process.”

Youth, Children, Skills and Education Day convened in Dubai on 8 December, with the COP28 Presidency delivery on its commitment to put young people at the center of climate diplomacy. The day finished with a graduation ceremony for the first-of-its-kind Youth Climate Delegates Program.

Around one billion children are currently at extreme high risk from the impacts of climate change and many young people are already leading climate action all over the world. However, young people still have limited input into climate policymaking. Acknowledging the value and necessity of meaningful youth inclusion in the COP process, COP28’s Youth, Children, Skills and Education Day brought together young leaders to discuss central youth policy proposals for COP28 and to formulate a 2023 Global Youth Statement.

UAE-US Agriculture Initiative Doubles Fund to $17 Billion
The “Agriculture Innovation Mission”, launched by the countries in 2021, is recalled to stage at Cop28. 600+ governmental and non-governmental partners have pledged their support. Initiated by A UAE-US fund to promote climate-friendly innovation in agriculture and food has more than doubled to $17 billion. The new funding compares to the total of $8 billion pledged when Cop27 took place in Egypt last year.

“We are witnessing tremendous progress in transforming the global food and agricultural systems at Cop28, which has placed the theme at the heart of the presidency agenda,” said Mariam Al Mheiri, Minister of Climate Change and Environment, UAE.

COP28: Germany’s Baerbock Pushes for Fossil Fuel Phase-Out.
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on Friday pushed for the phase-out of fossil fuels during a speech at the COP28 UN climate conference in Dubai. The “expansion of renewable energies and energy efficiency alone is not enough to get within reach of the 1.5-degree track, but we need above all to phase out fossil fuels,” Baerbock said.

Limiting the Earth’s warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) is one of the goals of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. Scientists believe breaching the 1.5-degree threshold would have severe consequences for the global environment.

UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Makes Impassioned Plea to Keep 1.5 Alive
As COP28 enters the final week of negotiations, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell made an impassioned plea to negotiators to keep 1.5 alive.

“In short, it’s go-time for governments at COP28 this week. There are low, middle and high ambition options on many issues. If we want to save lives now, and keep 1.5 within reach, the highest ambition COP outcomes must stay front and center in these negotiations.”Simon Said.

UNECE and World Green Economy Organization Invite stakeholders to Join the Trees in Dry Cities Coalition at COP28
Cities are a major driver of climate change, responsible for an estimated 75% of all carbon dioxide emissions globally. With two thirds of humanity projected to live in cities by 2050, cities are at the center of climate action. We need solutions to reduce urban greenhouse gas emissions and develop healthier, more sustainable and climate resilient cities.

UNECE and the World Green Economy Organization (WGEO) launched the Trees in Dry Cities Coalition at COP28. The collation is supported by many other partners including countries, cities, UN agencies and experts.

“With the global population becoming increasingly urban, and the world becoming hotter and drier, the relevance of initiatives, such as a Trees in Dry Cities Coalition, is becoming ever more important”, declared UNECE Executive Secretary Tatiana Molcean. “This coalition will build upon the success of UNECE’s Trees in Cities Challenge, thanks to which more than 80 cities worldwide have pledged to plant over 12 million trees. If properly managed over time, trees are a good investment, with benefits exceeding costs by roughly 5 to 1.”

Green Zone

The spotlight in the Green Zone was also on empowering young individuals and shedding light on the unequal effects of climate change on youth and children. The atmosphere remained vibrant with discussions and workshops during the inaugural Education Day at COP, centering around topics such as the green skills gap, innovation led by youth, and entrepreneurial initiatives.

 Skills of the Future: Enhancing Global Climate Education
An open session, which involved Ministries of Education, aimed to address the question of how future skills will be taught. During this session, pioneers from Teachers for the Planet came together to unveil initiatives for establishing an international standard that incorporates climate change into every national education curriculum globally. With commitments from over 70 countries in the next three years, the objective is to enhance global climate education, aligning with one of the key goals of COP28.

“The challenge is: how do we make teaching the most important green job, on which all other green jobs depend?” said Dr Andrew Cunningham of the Aga Khan Foundation. Most teachers care about climate change, added Urmila Sarkar of UNICEF Generation Unlimited, but want to be better equipped to teach it.

The Future’s Yellow
The Siemens Energy Office organized an intriguing discussion on the rapid advancement of Photovoltaic and Concentrated Solar Power through cutting-edge technology. Gusti Schreiber from Siemens, while underscoring the achievements of Dubai’s Noor 1 hybrid plant, pointed out that small island states could serve as ideal prototypes for emerging solar technologies before global scaling. Schreiber also noted that Concentrated Solar Power (CSP), once considered “the underdog” of renewables, has undergone significant transformation.

Let’s Gaze into the Crystal Ball
Exeter University, located in the UK, concluded the dynamic agenda with a heartwarming and futuristic event. Transporting the audience to the year 2100, the theatrical exploration of artistry and storytelling encouraged reflection on the positive choices humanity made during the 21st century.

COP28 President Champions Just Transition through Climate Education
Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, COP28 President, advocates for improved global climate education to empower future generations for a Just Transition. Emphasizing inclusivity, he states, ” “This COP is working to build a global legacy and a better future for youth and children. This is a turnaround COP that will ensure full inclusivity is at the heart of the climate process”.

UNESCO Greening Education Partnership Declaration
In a commitment to ensure the incorporation of climate education into their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), 38 countries agreed to sign the UNESCO Greening Education Partnership Declaration.

Aiming to underscore the vital role of education and establish a lasting legacy that future COPs will uphold. December 8th, 2023 witnessed the first day of the two days event organized by UNESCO to introduce the Greening Education Partnership Declaration (GEP), on the occasion of Youth, Children, Education and Skills Day in the Greening Education Hub. The meetings encompass a high-level plenary session, followed by a technical session of the 4 GEP working groups. Youth members of the GEP are playing the leading role in the dialogue and paving next steps.

Youth Day Sparks Global Dialogue on Climate Action
Led by YOUNGO, the official children and youth constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and supported by HE Shamma Al Mazrui, Youth Climate Champion (YCC), the announcement of the first-ever Youth Stocktake took place. The Youth Stocktake is the first comprehensive research analysis of youth participation in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and youth policy outcomes, providing a comprehensive analysis of inclusion, participation, best practices, and strategies to intensify youth participation in decision-making.

Youth Delegates Program Graduates Largest Cohort in History
The day concluded with the graduation ceremony of the Youth Climate Delegates Program. With 110 delegates from diverse backgrounds, this initiative represents a turning point in expanding youth participation in climate policymaking.

Climate Action Innovation Zone

Dubai Police Innovates with Cop28 Adventures Game Ahead of Climate Summit
Dubai police introduced an unconventional tie-in to the Cop28 climate conference with the release of the Cop28 Adventures mobile game. This innovative game allows users to immerse themselves in stunning UAE locations, make impactful decisions, and compete for the highest cooperation score. Players take on the role of a conference delegate, crafting policies, solving environmental challenges, and collaborating with participants worldwide. The game, credited to Dubai police, follows their trend of unique offerings, including apps like “My Rights and Duties,” “My Child, My Friend,” and “Stay Safe.” Notably, Cop28 Adventures even features drone racing, adding an unexpected element to the virtual delegate experience. This creative approach prompts consideration of whether gamifying negotiations could inspire future hosts and accelerate climate action.

Sunreef Yachts Unveils ‘Responsible’ Yachting at Cop28 Amid Emission Concerns
Sunreef Yachts, a prominent Polish yacht manufacturer, introduced the concept of “responsible” yachting at Cop28, presenting a range of solar-powered vessels. The event, held in the intense Dubai sun, aimed to address the environmental concerns associated with superyachts. Company representatives acknowledged the significant emissions produced by the 300 largest yachts globally, equivalent to those from 10 million people. Artur Poloczanski, PR director of Sunreef, acknowledged the yacht-building industry’s overall sustainability challenges but emphasized the diverse yachting environment. Sunreef showcased alternatives, including yachts equipped with a solar “skin” for power generation and storage via batteries. Some vessels can also operate on hydrogen fuel cells. However, the company continues to offer extremely large yachts featuring luxurious amenities such as private spas, gyms, outdoor cinemas, and space for jetskis, powered by substantial fuel tanks holding up to 5,200 gallons. The presentation at Cop28 sparked discussions about balancing luxury with environmental responsibility in the yachting industry.

Energy Transition Challenges and the Role of Clean Hydrogen
Dr. Samir Serhan, COO at Air Products, the Hydrogen Transition Summit’s headline sponsor, addressed the complexities of the energy transition, emphasizing the need for certainty in clean hydrogen availability to facilitate investment in industries heavily dependent on fossil fuels.

Data Sharing and Innovations: A Case Study from Amazon Web Services
Thomas Blood, CS Sustainability Leader, EMEA at Amazon Web Services, shared an impactful case study on collaborative projects, citing a partnership with London’s Natural History Museum. The initiative, designed for education, evolved into a valuable map of the UK’s biosphere, emphasizing the importance of cross-sector data sharing.

The Buildings Breakthrough: Resilience and Retrofitting
The Climate Action Stage hosted a discussion on The Buildings Breakthrough, chaired by Simon McWhirter of the UKGBC. The panel, featuring Chris Skidmore MP, Nasra Nanda, and David Goatman, focused on the increasing importance of resilience in the built environment and the significance of retrofitting for Net Zero goals.

 Inclusivity and Indigenous Stewardship on the Island of Hope
Luciano Doest from the Centre for Agricultural Research, Suriname, highlighted the role of indigenous people as Earth stewards on the Island of Hope. Discussions emphasized the importance of inclusivity, indigenous contributions to biodiversity protection, and the varied impacts of climate change.



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