Vodafone Egypt

Sustainability Report 


Vodafone Egypt Sustainability Report 2014-2016

The aim of this report is to present Vodafone’s sustainability performance in a simple, transparent and reliable manner to a wide audience. It is meant to communicate Vodafone’s performance on sustainability and how it manages its social and environmental impact. Vodafone Egypt believes that sustainability reporting enables it to consider its impact on a wide range of sustainability issues, enabling the company to be more transparent about the risks and opportunities it faces. In the report, Vodafone  also presents its values and governance model, demonstrate the link between its strategy and commitment to a sustainable business, and to the global economy at large.

Vodafone’s endeavor to maintain a responsible and a healthy growing business environment is propelled by its strict commitment to comply with national laws and regulations, local guidelines and global standards, in addition to Vodafone codes and guidelines. Under Vodafone’s roof, ensuring compliance is unavoidable.

Although Vodafone Egypt is a subsidiary from Vodafone Group, Vodafone Egypt’s roots are local. It has been investing in its people, its business, and its society for the purpose of best serving their customers and contributing to the development and welfare of Egypt. Vodafone believes that its current priority should be to focus on satisfying its customers, keeping it simple, and continuing to be the communications leader in the Egyptian market.

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